March 15, 2015

March Nail Art Challenge (Part Three)

During part three of my March nail art challenge I got to work on a few techniques that could use some practice. Check em out after the jump!

Day 9 - Vinyls
Another recycled mani! I wanted to use some vinyls I hadn't used before which doesn't leave me with many chocies, but I remembered I got these curls around Christmas time! They're so cute and I'm loving all the spiral manis right now, so of course I had to go order some of those.
*see Water Marble
Salon Perfect - Oil Slick
Curl Nail Stickers

Day 10 - Blobbicure
Uh... what? I had never heard of this. I guess I had seen it before but never knew it had a name. The final photo here are my third and fourth attempts. My first was so lovely... I had way too much polish on the brush and all of the sudden black was completely covered with the blue-green. I let most of it drip off my nail and wiped it off. Second attempt was a lot better, but the dots weren't perfect. I was going to settle until my third attempt looked pretty much like what I had planned. So off with the other one again and re-do again and ta-da! I was going for an ocean-y mermaid-y feel. Not sure if I really got that but I like the color combo at least.
Sinful Colors - Nail Junkie
Salon Perfect - Oil Slick
Julep - Waleska

Day 11 - Dots
I'm determined to get better at random dot manis. I'm okay with the nice, even dots, but I just don't have much confidence in my randomly sized and placed dots. I don't know why... but I thought I'd give it a shot.
Painted Polish - Drunk On Holo
Pipe Dream Polish - High Roller
Pipe Dream Polish - Happy Hour

Day 12 - Glitter Gradient
I realized this was a mistake while I was fighting to remove the glitter. I use a peel off base coat but I still manage to get glitter everywhere and it's just a pain.
Zoya - Imogen
Zoya - Nori

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