April 2, 2015

Easy Leopard Print Accent Nail

Four years into nail art and I had never done leopard print. It was one of the first "easy" techniques I pinned on Pinterest and I can't believe I never tried it sooner. It's not really my thing, but it's super quick and simple for an accent nail. My Cindy hand looks almost identical to this one which never happens, even with vinyls.

Polishes used:
China Glaze - Too Yacht To Handle
China Glaze - Pelican Grey
Salon Perfect - Oil Slick

Start with your base color, in this case, Pelican Grey. Once dry, use your dotting tool to make a few random blobs with your second color, Too Yacht To Handle. I used the medium sized dotting tool and did about three dots per blob. Once the blobs are dry, use your last color, Oil Slick, to finish of the leopard print. I used the same medium sized dotting tool as before and a smaller one for this part. I used the medium sized one to make a few random dots around the edge of the blobs. Do not completely outline them! Then, I switched to the smaller tool to add a few random dots by themselves within the leopard spots. Wait for it to dry and finish with a top coat! The key is to make it as random as possible. If your blobs and dots are too consistent, it'll start to look a little funky. I think the best color key for this would be light, medium, and dark. Use the lightest color as the base, the medium for the spots, and the dark for the edges and extra dots.

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